Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday Evening Post…

34 degrees - 4:16 pm - light rain with a few snow flakes mixed in...

A small glimpse into our lives as we live off-grid… sort of like eves dropping.  It may be a thought, quote or a conversation; funny, sweet or sad; but it will always be true.  We will see if it resonates with you…

Hubby:  “We need to get a milk cow.”
Me:  “What?  Why do we need a cow?”
Hubby:  “All survival sources say you need a cow.”
Me:  “But I like 1% milk.”
Hubby:  (laughs) “Where do you think 1% milk comes from?”
Me:  (laughs) “Haha very funny.  It doesn’t come out of the cow as 1% is what I mean.”
Hubby:  “You have to process it.  Skim the fat off and add water.  It can’t be that hard.”
Me:  (laughs) “Can we get an Oreo cow?
Hubby:  “What?  No!  They don’t taste good.  I am partial to Herefords.”
Me:  (laughs) “We will see…”

{Side Note: Just in case you are wondering what an Oreo cow is – it’s a Belted Galloway.  They are a black cow with a broad white belt, hence the nickname Oreo cow.}