35 degrees - 12:02 pm - cold and cloudy...
This is our second house that we have built. Granted the first time, we walked into an office, picked out the floor plan, and had a builder do everything. So this is the first time that we are doing it ourselves.
Building our own house… how exciting! This is our chance to make our home exactly how we want it to be, from size to color to location. This could be the greatest project of our lives, or the end of life as we know it. Believe what people say; there is a lot of stress involved in building a house. But other people have survived it, and so will we.
Throughout this whole process, Tony and I have pretty much been on the same page when it comes to decisions and choices having to do with the house. So it has come as a surprise that there has been so much controversy over the chicken coop! Where to put it… what style to build… why is it taking so long… have all caused some heated discussions.
The style of the coop is no longer a topic of discussion since it is already half built.
Where to put it… hmmm… I thought that topic was closed but when the kids and I got home last night from running errands in town all day, something looked different. It took me a minute to realize the chicken coop was gone! What??? The moon was so bright last night, that I didn’t even need a flashlight as I walked over to the big clearing near the propane tank area and what do you know… the coop was there. I will admit that I do like it better over there and yes, I did tell Tony that.
Why is it taking so long…? Well, that one right there… that one little question has been the hottest of all the heated discussions. All twelve baby chicks arrived around Easter and have since had a very lengthy stay at the in-law’s house. We cannot bring them home until the coop is completed, which yes, it is on my list for Santa this year.
So without going any further into The Coop Controversy… here are some pictures of the chicken coop and it’s current (and hopefully permanent) location.
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looking out the back window at the chicken coops new location |
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chicken coop - under construction - in its new (and hopefully final) location |
{Side Note: Even though we have gotten into a few heated discussions over this darn chicken coop, at least we can still laugh about it. --- Tony and I took a walk out to the coop this morning so he could show me in the daylight what he had done. I told him that even though I liked it better in its new location and how he made everything look really good, I was still going to do this post. He just smiled and laughed at me.}