2:11 pm - 33 degrees - heavy fog, 1.5" of snow...
We had some welcomed snow over
the weekend, the result of one final storm in a parade of storms that has been
going on for over a week.
This last round of storms has
caused severe flooding, landslides, power outages, and even a rare tornado that touched down.
Thankfully, besides a few sections of the
driveway washing out, the only damage that we sustained was to a few solar panels that got blown
around by the 80+ mph wind gusts.
Water was pouring out of the hillside all along the driveway. |
Sections of the county road were flooded. |
This is the highest the river has been at the bridge on the driveway.
Over 16 inches of rain in one week! |
The 80+ mph wind gusts blew around a few solar panels. |
Unfortunately there was some damage to a few of the solar panels. |
While all this crazy weather was going on, we had an unwelcome visitor - a first in five years. Thankfully we caught the woodrat before any damage was done.
The woodrat made nests in the engine compartments of all our rigs. Apparently some of their favorite nesting materials include wire insulation and rubber fuel lines.
What a crazy week.