Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Backyard Herb Garden...

6:55 pm - 43 degrees - cloudy... 

Every year I have grand gardening plans.  But then life gets in the way and I get distracted by things that “need” to be done instead of the things that I “want” to get done.

But this year nothing is going to stop me; I’m going to put in a backyard herb garden. 

When a recipe calls for fresh basil, I want to be able to skip the poor substitute of dried basil.  A last-minute dash to the grocery store for some overpriced wilted basil is out of the question since it would be over an hour and a half round trip.  I want to be able to walk outside and pluck a few tender leaves off of the basil plant growing in my very own herb garden whenever the need arises.

I have the location picked out that fits the basic requirements of a successful herb garden - well-drained soil that is neutral to slightly acid and at least five hours of sunlight a day.

I have the herbs that I want picked out - Basil, Chamomile, Chives, Garlic, Lavender, Mint, and Parsley.

Now I just have to figure out what design/layout I want.  Below are some pictures of backyard herb gardens I found online to use as inspiration...

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