Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday Evening Post…

42 degrees - 8:56 am - clear blue sky...

A small glimpse into our lives as we live off-grid… sort of like eves dropping.  It may be a quote or a conversation; funny, sweet or sad; but it will always be true.  We will see if it resonates with you…

6-year-old daughter:  “Wow Mom, it’s pouring cats and dogs outside!”
2-year-old son:  “Where, where… I don’t see any dogs!”
Me:  “No, no, no Jack.  Caitlyn means that it is raining really hard outside.”
2-year-old son:  “Oh…. hahahaha silly dogs.”
(thunder and lightening start)
2-year-old son:  “Mom the dogs are barking!”
6-year-old daughter:  “That’s not dogs!”
Me:  “Guys, it's just raining really hard and that's thunder and lightening.  No Jack, there are no cats or dogs outside right now.  The sky is just putting on a neat show for us.”
Kids:  “Oohhhh.”
{It’s cute how kids see things differently sometimes.}