Saturday, August 27, 2011

Saturday Evening Post...

82 degrees - 5:25 pm - sunny and hot with a slight breeze starting up...

A small glimpse into our lives as we live off-grid… sort of like eves dropping.  It may be a thought, quote or a conversation; funny, sweet or sad; but it will always be true.  We will see if it resonates with you…

3:34 am
Me:  “What’s that?  Wake up!  What is that noise?”
Hubby:  (listens for a moment)  “It’s a bat.”
Me:  “What?  How on earth do you know it’s a bat?”
Hubby:  (grabs the flashlight)  “See, a bat.”
Me:  “How did a bat get inside?  We need to get it out.”
Hubby:  (opens a window and takes off the screen and continues to try and shoo the bat out the window)
4:06 am
Me:  “Did you get it!”
Hubby:  “Yea.”  (walks over to the window, wearing fireplace gloves and holding the little brown bat, and lets the little intruder go)